Dear friends,
I’ve been back from Palestine almost a month now while I’m enjoying my comfortable life, the village of Bil’in, which has been mounting inspiring, creative and nonviolent protests weekly since January 2005, has become the target of numerous nighttime raids by the Israeli military. These raids terrorize the residents and arrest nonviolent activists, including children. At this point almost 2 dozen men and boys are in jail and their families are extremely concerned for their well being. (Palestinians detainees are routinely tortured.)
Here is a link to the Friends of Freedom and Justice - Bilin website with more information:
Attempts to criminalize the leadership of non-violent protests have been curbed in the past with the help of an outpouring of support from people committed to justice from all over the world. If you feel inclined, please send letters and money to support these amazing, inspiring and admirable people.
Donate:The Popular committee of Bil’in is in desperate need for legal funds in order to pay legal fees and Bail. Please donate to the Bil’in legal fund by paypal click
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation in the US or Canada contact:
Write or call:Senator Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senate
Washington DC 20510
To email you need to go to the website:
Senator Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senate
Washington DC 20510
To email you need to go to the website:
Congresswoman Barbara Lee
U.S. Congress
Washington DC 20515
To email you need to go to the website:
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
State Department Phone: 1-202-647-5150
E-mail: Secretary@state.gov
Akiva Tor
Consulate General of Israel in San Francisco
456 Montgomery Street Suite #2100
San Francisco, CA 94104
Telephone: (415) 844-7501
E-mail: concal.sec@sanfrancisco.mfa.gov.il
Sample letter:I am extremely troubled about the recent arrests and imprisonments of nonviolent activists from the West Bank village of Bil’in including Mr. Mohammad Khatib, Mr. Adib Abu Rahme and, to my absolute dismay, many children.
For almost 5 years the village of Bil’in has organized, with the participation and support of Israelis and internationals, peaceful and nonviolent demonstrations against the so-called security fence which separates them from 60% of their agricultural lands. These demonstrations are harshly suppressed by Israeli army, resulting in many casualties, sometimes critical ones such as the cases of Tristan Anderson (suffering critical brain injuries) and Basem Abu Rahma (killed).
The only wish of Bil’in inhabitants is to gain back the right to live and work on their lands in peace. In fact, the Israeli Supreme court ruled on 4 September 2007 that the current route of the wall in Bil'in was illegal and needs to be dismantled; the ruling however has not been implemented.
Israeli law protects the right to demonstrate peacefully. Mr. Khatib, and Mr. Rahme in particular are well known for their commitment to the struggle for peace through non-violent means and for their willingness to work in partnership with Israelis.
I ask you to do all in your power to ensure that Mr. Khatib, and Mr. Rahme and all those arrested be allowed to return to their families without further delay and that their names be cleared of all accusations.